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Personalized Learning PL - February 16, 2018: IR2

Instructional Rigor

How can students access content through varied learning experiences that are authentic, relevant, and rigorous?

  • Group Role Activity
  • Guiding Questions for discussion
    • How can we offer flexibility in how students access and engage with new content in our classes? 
    • What is the value of the project based learning (PBL) experience? What does this look like in our classrooms? How could PBL help us to transform learning with the use of technology? 
    • How can we utilize some of the characteristics of the various personalized learning models (see table) to enhance the learning experiences of our students? 
  • Explore the resources below to fuel your conversation
  • Use the collaboration tool at the right to share your thoughts

D2 - Planning 1: Student needs
D2 - Planning 2: Coherent design
D2 - Planning 5: Literacy skills
D2 - Planning 6: Integration of disciplines
D3 - Responsive Teaching 2: Instructional practices
D4 - Assessment Literacy 1: Variety
D4 - Assessment Literacy 2: Perf. Assessment
D4 - Assessment Literacy 5: Data-informed decisions

Collaboration Tool: Nearpod