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Personalized Learning PL - February 16, 2018: AD4

Assessment and Data

How can we offer students multiple opportunities and ways to demonstrate mastery?​

  • Group Role Activity
  • Guiding Questions for discussion
    • How can we move from a traditional linear model of assessment to a more organic assessment model? 
    • How can we capitalize on student creativity and offer voice and choice regarding demonstration of content understanding and skills? 
    • Why is it important for students to have multiple opportunities to demonstrate mastery? 
  • Explore the resources below to fuel your conversation
  • Use the collaboration tool at the right to share your thoughts
D1 - Learning Environment 2: Student engagement
D2 - Planning 1: Student needs
D2 - Planning 2: Coherent design
D2 - Planning 3: Assessment strategies
D2 - Planning 4: Appropriate interventions
D3 - Responsive Teaching 1: Obj. & expectations
D3 - Responsive Teaching 2: Instructional practices
D3 - Responsive Teaching 3: Learning strategies
D3 - Responsive Teaching 6: Monitoring learning
D3 - Responsive Teaching 8: Feedback
D4 - Assessment Literacy 1: Variety
D4 - Assessment Literacy 2: Perf. Assessment
D4 - Assessment Literacy 3: Self-assessment
D4 - Assessment Literacy 4: Data team
D4 - Assessment Literacy 5: Data-informed decisions
D6 - Profession Knowledge 2: Professionalism

Collaboration Tool: PollEverywhere