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Book Talks 2018-2019: Weeks

These are the books we pitched this year. We usually consult with teachers about student interests, reading abilities, and prior successes. We also peek at class lists to see if we can find curricular alignment with social studies or science.

Featured Books

NCHS's bookshelf: weeks-2018-2019

13 Days of Midnight
tagged: weeks-2018-2019
All American Boys
tagged: to-read, gallo-march-2018-pd-4, no-idea, and weeks-2018-2019
The Boy in the Black Suit
tagged: to-read and weeks-2018-2019
tagged: summer-reading-2018, to-read, weeks-2018-2019, and hernberg-2018-2019
Eight Rivers of Shadow
tagged: summer-reading-2018 and weeks-2018-2019
The Hate U Give
it was amazing
From Ms. Luhtala: "Stunning." That's John Green's book jacket testimonial, and I could not agree more. Speaking up is hard. This book is about finding the courage to do the right thing when you know that doing the right thing will expose...
tagged: summer-reading-2017, 10th-grade-booktalks-2017, to-read, summer-rea...
The History of Jane Doe
it was amazing
From Ms. Luhtala: I am still in progress on this one, but I have to give a shout out to Mike, the author, who graduated from New Canaan High School in 2004! I remember him well and this is quite a surprise. I really love this book. The s...
tagged: summer-reading-2018, to-read, and weeks-2018-2019
tagged: to-read, weeks-2018-2019, and hernberg-2018-2019
Left for Dead
tagged: polisci-reads, tblr, to-read, 10th-grade-booktalks-2016, nonfiction...
Long Way Down
tagged: to-read, gallo-march-2018-pd-2, gallo-march-2018-pd-4, summer-readi...
Rocket Boys
tagged: to-read, 10th-grade-booktalks-2016, weeks-2018-2019, and hernberg-2...
Saints and Misfits
tagged: to-read, summer-reading-2018, weeks-2018-2019, and hernberg-2018-2019
The Trouble in Me
tagged: to-read, summer-reading-2018, and weeks-2018-2019


Personalized Recommendations