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Junior Research Paper English 2019-2020: Education



Blacks in the White Elite: Will the Progress Continue?
tagged: to-read, jrp-education, and jrp-all
it was amazing
From Ms. Luhtala: I loved this book! It is the powerful memoir of a young woman who was raised in a survivalist household in rural Idaho. She was "off the radar" for much of her childhood, never having attended school or visited a doctor...
tagged: summer-reading-2018, magilnick, to-read, summer-reading-2019, swvbc...
Left Back: A Century of Failed School Reforms
tagged: to-read, jrp-education, and jrp-all
Race on Campus: Debunking Myths with Data
tagged: jrp-education and jrp-all
Savage Inequalities: Children in America's Schools
tagged: to-read, jrp-education, and jrp-all
