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Absolutism: The Big Picture

The Big Picture

To tackle this research you will need to first learn all about absolutism - NOT JUST YOUR GROUP'S ASSIGNED RULER! You have to contextualize what role your ruler played in the evolution of the Absolutism movement. 
Here's what is most important: DO NOT SEARCH FOR
  • Monarch
  • Economic advisor
  • Political advisor
  • Religious advisor

In fact, don't even search for monarchy, economics, politics, or religion. READ for them instead! 

You will need to speculate, based on historical facts, how your ruler's cabinet might have advised their monarch. You will need to know quite a bit about world history during this time period in order to familiarize yourself with "the competition". Context will be critical!

Video lesson:


To tackle this research you will need to first learn all about absolutism - NOT JUST YOUR ASSIGNED RULER! You have to contextualize what role your ruler played in the evolution of the Absolutism movement. 

Don't search. READ.

You will need to speculate, based on historical facts, how your ruler might have conducted him/herself. You will need to know quite a bit about world history during this time period in order to be able to embody this persona in your summit. Context will be critical! You also need a lot of information. 

We want to make sure that you get to at least INVESTIGATE in the research model, if not SYNTHESIZE. 

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